About The Show

Originally a play of monologues with a through-line of breasts, the stories were woven together to tell the story of women.

Conversations ‘Bout the Girls second iteration was a solo show and that takes place in a bra shop, where we find the proprietor restocking and training a new team member on the various bras and the women who purchase them.

Most recently Conversations ‘Bout the Girls takes the bra shop idea and uses an ethnically diverse cast whose ages span decades to tell the tales of a woman’s journey in life because she has breasts. The colorful company, with a range of sizes, weights, hues and shapes, play the staff and customers in the store and tell their stories live or through flashbacks.

The story culminates with the patrons returning to the store after hours for a Women's Circle of camaraderie and frank discussions of women's issues.

The Stories

Each monologue of Conversations is an episode of life staged to reflect the many situations in which we can all relate. They are designed so that it can be done anywhere and everywhere with props that can be found in almost any home.

A sampling of the stories include:



Stories of how women discovered their breasts.


What Do I Say?

How and when do you tell the person you’re dating that you only have one?


My First Bra, No, My Second

A getting your first bra story.


My First Bra, No, My Second

A getting your first bra story.


To Cleave or Not to Cleave

The women share stories of the types of cleavages women have or don’t have and how they’ve used them.


To Cleave or Not to Cleave

The women share stories of the types of cleavages women have or don’t have and how they’ve used them.


One Step at a Time

One to three ladies talk about the steps cancer has taken them through or Butchered - One woman’s cancer journey from diagnosis through surgery.


The Lump

The storyteller shares her walk of the discovery of a lump and the lumpectomy.


Tell Me About Nipples or Nipples are Manipulative


Other Subjects:

Nursing, Enhancements, Domestic Violence and more…


I'm Here for You!

Presentation of this play makes a wonderful event or fundraiser for any organization, whether it's men interested in better understanding the women in their life, mothers, wives or daughters or women's organizations that support issues that are unique to women. If you're interested contact us.